Database error: Invalid SQL: update en_news_con set cl=cl+1 where id='314'
MySQL Error: 1036 (Table 'en_news_con' is read only)
#0 dbbase_sql->halt(Invalid SQL: update en_news_con set cl=cl+1 where id='314') called at [/shujupan/ftp/f/furnishing/en/includes/] #1 dbbase_sql->query(update {P}_news_con set cl=cl+1 where id='314') called at [/shujupan/ftp/f/furnishing/en/news/module/NewsContent.php:89] #2 NewsContent() called at [/shujupan/ftp/f/furnishing/en/includes/] #3 PrintPage() called at [/shujupan/ftp/f/furnishing/en/news/html/index.php:15] Care&Cleaning-Ningbo 4C Furnishings Co. LTD

Hello. Welcome to Ningbo 4C Furnishings Co. LTD! 
Published:2012-07-09 10:38:55    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL

1.Pollution caused by the moulding, fruit juice and other solvents ,using a cleanser with detergent or sodium hypochlorite ;

2.the rust and dirt ,using the detergents contain phosphate ;u can buy it in the hardware store.Regularly use tool to clear the trumpery, to make smooth drainage.

3.Oil ,use the detergents contains degreasing agents to scrub clean

4.WPC product has bigger weight and lower elasticity than wood, you have to be more careful when using it.

Storage in building site, you should put the products on the flat floor.

5.It should stack the products from both sides of the joist, the space between two joists should be equal or less than 60cm, and the joists should be arranged vertically with the profiles.

6.Deposited the WPC in outdoors should package completely and stack in level up, avoid insolation and distortion.

7.Because the friction coefficient of composited wood products no hard wood floor high, So in handling can't be in 

plastic board checked,lest damage to floor surface.

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Service time:Monday to Saturday  AM 08:30 — PM 05:00  Order and service line:0574-86250608 
Address: No.1 Zhenning Road , Zhen Hai Economic and Technological Development Zone, Ningbo China  P.C.:315200