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pvc co-extruded products features
Published:2013-10-17 09:19:11    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL

“High  strength composite wood” is successfully applied to outdoor flooring,outdoor garden ornaments,railings, building exterior decorative panels and quick-assembly housing system,and other mature series of products.

The new full-clad co-extruded composite material(high-strength wood composite)has such technical advantages that it overcomes five baffling difficult shortcoming with other wpc products: easy fading ,easy aging,brittle,easily deformed,and 

easy to grow mildew.

“high strength composite wood” displays good chemical stability and excellent physical properties in the practical applications, and has an apparent natural

 wood texture ,so it becomes an excellent substitute to replace natural wood. Its strong plasticity expands the people’s unlimited imagination space in the application 

areas. The 100% renewable recycling nature of the thermoplastic material lays the foundation for green environment protection.

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